Research Team

Carla - Carla Barrett
My name is Carla and I will mostly be helping out with the online side of the LGBTQ Liveable Lives project, as well as taking part in the data collection days. In addition to being involved in the Liveable Lives project I am currently finishing up my PhD at the University of Southampton. My PhD looks at the division of domestic labour in LGBTQ homes (basically I interviewed lots of couples about who does the cleaning!) and doing this research helped to spark my interest in what might make life liveable for LGBTQ people both in the home and beyond.
Kath - Dr Kath Browne
I work at the University of Brighton where my research looks at geographies of genders and sexualities. I have written about LGBT equalities, women’s separatist spaces, women who are mistaken for men, Pride and activist/researcher working.
Nick - Nick McGlynn
I’m a queer man based at the University of Brighton, currently working as the Research Fellow for LGBTQ Liveable Lives. I’m interested in LGBTQ lives and politics in areas outside of cities, in new ways of understanding queerness, and in how to move past discourses of queer assimilation/transgression. To this end, I recently finished my PhD on partnerships between public services and LGBT communities to improve LGBT equalities in rural/non-urban areas surrounding Brighton.
Ranjita - Ranjita Biswas
I am a consultant psychiatrist and work and write around issues of gender, sexuality and mental health. I am presently engaged in research and teaching at the School of Women's Studies, Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
Rukmini - Rukmini Banerjee
I am a dedicated feminist with a focus on sexuality and mental health within postcolonial South Asia. I completed my Masters in South Asian Area Studies and Women's Studies where I was trying to understand Indian science fiction/fantasy, gender in the psychedelic sub-culture and queer identity. I have recently joined Sappho for Equality as a Research Assistant for the Liveable Lives project.
Sumita - Sumita
I am a queer activist with a keen interest in literature, theatre and creative writing and actively involved in gendersexuality, mental health and LGBTI rights issues. I am a co-founder of Sappho for Equality, Kolkata, India, an organisation working for the rights of sexually marginalised women and transmen (female to male transpersons).